Sep 25, 2015

Learn Hangul Part 1

Hello guys.....

Today I want to share about Hangul. If you want to learn Korea, you must can read hangul (한굴) first.

Here we go..

Hangul divided into 2 parts:
1. Vowels
2. Consonant
But they can't go off alone and should be merged between vowels and consonants. 

Hangul component:
1. 14 single consonant (자음)
2. 10 single vowels (모음)
3. 5 double consonant (겹자음)
4. 11 double vowels (겹모음)
5. 7 final consonant (받침)
6. 11 complete consonant (겹받침)

Overall Hangul is easy to learn, like you learn traditional word of Java, Bali, and Arabic (I learn it).

Okay I will explain with my way how to learn hangul.......
1. Remember every word min. 5 times don't forget write it on your note!
2. Try to merge between vowels and consonants. And repeat min 5 times!
     for example: 바 (ba), 비(bi), 부(bu), 베(be), 배(bae), 버(beo), 보(bo), 브(beu)
3. Try to write your name or other word (bahasa or English word) in hangul
     for example: 니겐 앙갈다닝 플티위 (niken anggardaning pertiwi)
4. Try to read hangul on article or social media. 
5. You can install application for learn hangul like Learn Korean or other.
6. Install Korea keyboard on your smartphone.
7. Find korean friend and practice your knowledge, don't be shy they will help you! 
How to find korean people? Read this article ^^
8. Don't forget everyday listening and watching korean drama or song, so you can increase your vocabulary.
9. Write, write and write!!

Happy Thanksgiving to All my Korean friend^^❤❤❤❤❤

See you later,


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